Myofascial Release (MFR) is derived from the Latin ‘muscle band’.
MFR is a unique massage; the techniques are applied slowly to the body, to facilitate the gentle sustained pressure and stretch.
MFR techniques encourage the freedom of movement within the tissues, relieving any dysfunctions, stiffness or pain. It treats the injury at the source, allowing you to heal at the deepest level. It is a specialised physical therapy that affects and releases the restrictions within the fascial network.
As the essence of MFR is gentle and slow, the physical and emotional aspect of an injury can be addressed in a safe and gentle way.
During a treatment the fascial web begins to unwind as it releases its traction or ‘snag’ on the body. You may feel your body twitching, getting ‘lighter’ or even moving during your treatment; this is a natural process for the body to correct itself.
I strongly believe my treatments integrate well with structural exercise therapies e.g. Pilates, Yoga etc. etc.… consolidating body awareness and maintaining structural balance and therefore I may recommend a referral to a respected teacher/practitioner.